
EDU-SYRIA Iftar Banquet, 21 March 2024

21st مارس 2024

The EDU-SYRIA program proudly hosted the Ramadan Iftar Banquet at Zarqa University on March 21, 2024. As part of its ongoing commitment to supporting educational opportunities for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian youths, the event brought together about 250 students and alumni of the program, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Pierre-Christophe Chatzisavas, the EU Ambassador to Jordan, Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli, the President of the German Jordanian University (GJU), Dr. Mahmoud Abu Shaera, the President of Board of Directors of Zarqa University (ZU), and both Ms. Wieke Waterschoot and Ms. Mary Horvers, representatives of the EU Delegation to Jordan, and …

Result-Oriented Monitoring (ROM) Visit by an Independent Observer on Behalf of the European Union (EU) for EDU-SYRIA II-Additional

3rd مارس 2024

An independent observer, Mr. Jan Helbich, on behalf of the European Union (EU), conducted a monitoring visit for the EDU-SYRIA-II Additional project, in the week from the 3rd until the 7th of March 2024. The objective was to evaluate the progress of the project and ensure its compliance with the EU’s standards and regulations. Mr. Helbich had several meetings with the project’s consortium partners, including Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST), Zarqa University (ZU), Luminus Technical University College (LTUC), as well as meetings with the project’s stakeholder of the civil society organization, such as National Aid Fund (NAF) and …

EDU-SYRIA II Additional Closing Ceremony

29th فبراير 2024

The EDU-SYRIA Scholarship Program, which is funded by the EU and managed by the German Jordanian University (GJU), concluded the EDU-SYRIA II-Additional project journey with a closing ceremony took place at GJU-Main Campus, on 29th February 2024. It aimed to provide 200 students with educational scholarships for Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanians in host communities affected by the Syrian crisis. This closing ceremony was held under the patronage of  Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli, the GJU President, and attended by Ms. Wieke Waterschoot, Attaché/Programme Manager at the EU Delegation to Jordan, Dr. Dhiah el Diehn I. Abou-Tair, the EDU-SYRIA Project Manager, and …

Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program

22nd فبراير 2024

The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program, funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University, announces that the door is now open for youth from underprivileged Jordanian and Syrian refugees to apply for Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Programme” (ETSP) in Partnership with Luminus JordanStart. The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Programme” program in Partnership with Luminus JordanStart aims to provide proper entrepreneurial training and office space for 40 groups formed of Jordanian and Syrian youths to transform their progressive ideas into actual projects that can best serve their local communities. The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship …

Academic Meeting | Bachelor Scholarship Program (BSP)

13th ديسمبر 2023

EDU-SYRIA held an academic gathering at Zarqa University for the beneficiaries of the Bachelor Scholarship Program (BSP) on Wednesday, 13th of December 2023. A hundred students attended the meeting, focusing on promoting an open dialogue to encourage questions, suggestions, and concerns. The aim was to strengthen the commitment to supporting students and advancing their education. Dr. Ala’ Khalifa, EDU-SYRIA Academic Supervisor, Dr. Khaled Zaedeen, ZU Dean of Admissions and Registration, and Mr. Ibrahim Al-Hariri, EDU-SYRIA Academic Advisor at Zarqa University, were present, valuing the invaluable input and perspectives shared by the students. The meeting emphasized direct engagement with the beneficiaries, …

Academic Meeting | VESP & LMP

23rd نوفمبر 2023

EDU-SYRIA held an academic meeting for the beneficiaries of the Vocational Education Scholarship Program (VESP) and Six-Month Labor Market Oriented Course Scholarship Program (LMP) on Thursday,  23rd of November 2023 at Luminus Technical University College (LTUC). The meeting was attended by representatives from the EDU-SYRIA management team; Dr. Sameer Al-Dahidi, EDU-SYRIA Program Coordinator & Quality Assurance Manager, and Eng. Aseel Obeidat EDU-SYRIA Project Officer, in addition to representatives from LTUC, Ms. Eman Albakheet, PMO Head, Ms. Majd Al-Sbaihat, EDU-SYRIA Project Manager, Ms. Lina Sheeha, EDU-SYRIA Project Facilitator, Mr. Abedallah Alsarahneh, EDU-SYRIA Project Facilitator, and 25students from both programs; with 16 …

EDU-SYRIA Students Participated in the Impact Week Germany

18th أكتوبر 2023

EDU-SYRIA students of the Graduate Studies Scholarship Program (GSSP), managed by DAAD Jordan, actively took part in a four-day Design Thinking workshop. The event, organized by Impact Week Germany and IBTECAR Consulting Jordan, unfolded at the University of Jordan from 18th to 22nd October 2023. The workshop involved junior coaches from diverse sectors, such as academia, industry, and governmental bodies. Throughout the workshop, a dynamic blend of theory and hands-on application was presented, fostering collaboration and enhancing participants’ skills. Going beyond individual development, the event successfully cultivated a professional network poised to integrate Design Thinking into various fields.

Job Readiness English Language for BAP Beneficiaries

18th أكتوبر 2023

EDU-SYRIA conducted a rigorous job readiness English language course between Tuesday, 21st of November 2023 to Sunday, 10th of December 2023 for approximately 60 beneficiaries of the Bottleneck Alleviation Programme (BAP) under the management of Nuffic. The objective of this course was to impart training in English communication skills and vocabulary, equipping the participants with the necessary linguistic proficiency to navigate situations where basic English fluency is essential. Specifically, the focus was on providing the skills and knowledge needed to access the labor market successfully The course was held in-person by Amideast, a leading language and training center in Jordan, …

New Collaboration Pathway | EDU-SYRIA & DAFI Scholarship Programs

9th أكتوبر 2023

The German Jordanian University (GJU) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Monday 09th of October 2023, with the presence of representatives from the European Union Delegation to Jordan, Ms. Mary Horvers and Ms. Wieke Waterschoot, marking the onset of a unique partnership to foster their scholarship programs, EDU-SYRIA and DAFI. This collaboration aims to fortify access of refugees to higher education through mutual aid and shared resources, intending to create significant developments in key areas. The partnership revolves around four primary goals; enhance access to higher education and skills development as a long-term …

تعاون برنامج التعليم السوري الأردني وبرنامج دافي

9th أكتوبر 2023

قامت الجامعة الألمانية الأردنية والمفوضية السامية للأمم المتحدة لشؤون اللاجئين بتوقيع مذكرة تفاهم يوم الاثنين الموافق 9 تشرين الأول 2023، بحضور ممثلين عن بعثة الإتحاد الأوروبي في الأردن، السيدة ماري هورفيرز والسيدة فيكي واترشوت. ويعد هذا التوقيع بداية شراكة فريدة لتعزيز برامج المنح الدراسية الخاصة بهم، برنامج التعليم السوري الأردني وبرنامج دافي، ويهدف التعاون إلى تعزيز وصول اللاجئين إلى التعليم العالي من تبادل الموارد، بهدف خلق تطورات كبيرة في المجالات الرئيسية. تدور هذه الشراكة حول أربعة أهداف رئيسية؛ تعزيز وصول اللاجئين إلى التعليم العالي وتطوير المهارات كحلاً للمدى الطويل، وتحقيق أقصى عدد من المنح الدراسية استنادًا إلى تقييم ضعف المتقدم، …