
New Collaboration Pathway | EDU-SYRIA & DAFI Scholarship Programs

January 13, 2024

The German Jordanian University (GJU) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Monday 09th of October 2023, with the presence of representatives from the European Union Delegation to Jordan, Ms. Mary Horvers and Ms. Wieke Waterschoot, marking the onset of a unique partnership to foster their scholarship programs, EDU-SYRIA and DAFI. This collaboration aims to fortify access of refugees to higher education through mutual aid and shared resources, intending to create significant developments in key areas. The partnership revolves around four primary goals; enhance access to higher education and skills development as a long-term …

EDU-SYRIA Participated in “FORSA Explore” Event by FOR9A

October 16, 2023

EDU-SYRIA, a prominent educational initiative committed to empowering Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian youth, took center stage at the prestigious FORSA Explore Event on Saturday 26th of August 2023 hosted by For9a. During this highly anticipated occasion, EDU-SYRIA unveiled its scholarship offerings for the upcoming academic year 2023-2024, marking a significant stride in the mission to transform lives through education. FORSA Explore Event, known for its commitment to fostering educational opportunities and career development, provided an ideal platform for EDU-SYRIA to showcase its dedication to making a positive impact on individuals’ futures. At the heart of this commitment is EDU-SYRIA …

EDU-SYRIA & DAFI Scholarships 2023/2024 – Closed

October 16, 2023

Call for Applications for a Bachelor’s degree, BTEC HND Level 5 Diploma, or bridging to a Bachelor’s degree scholarship by DAFI and EDU-SYRIA scholarships. The United Nations Higher Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the European Union Delegation to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (EU Jordan), represented by EDU-SYRIA, are proud to announce jointly the call for applying for a Bachelor’s degree, BTEC HND Level 5 Diploma, or bridging to a Bachelor’s degree scholarship  under the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI) program, and EDU-SYRIA program funded by the German Government, the Said and Asfari Foundations and the European Union. …

EDU-SYRIA Students Win Second Place in “Students Reinvent Cities” Competition by C40 Cities Network

October 16, 2023

EDU-SYRIA students, Abdullah Al-Mahmoud, Muhammad Abdul-Rahman Jawad, Ammar Al-Labban, and Saeed Asida, majoring in architecture at Zarqa University, won second place in a competition called “Students Reinvent Cities” by C40 Cities, a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis, in partnership with the Greater Amman Municipality on Monday 31th of July 2023. In an inspiring competition, the Evergreen team secured a commendable second-place finish, while the Living Bridge team demonstrated their prowess with a well-deserved third place. This remarkable event, guided by the expert supervision of …

EDU-SYRIA Students Achieved the First and Second Place in the Second Arab Olympiad for Artificial Intelligence

September 25, 2023

EDU-SYRIA students at Zarqa University, from the Faculty of Information Technology, achieved the first and second place in the Second Arab Olympiad for Artificial Intelligence at the level of Arab universities on Saturday 24th of June 2023, which was organized by the Arab Association for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Amman, under the auspices of Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship. The Olympiad included five tracks in information technology: programming, mathematics and algorithms, computer vision, embedded systems, and cybersecurity, where more than 150 male and female students, from several universities in Jordan, Palestine, Qatar, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, and Kuwait, participated. …

EDU-SYRIA Student Achieved the Sixteenth Place in the Second National Sumo Robots Championship

September 25, 2023

Mohammed Al-Zamil, a graduate of EDU-SYRIA, participated in the Second National Sumo Robots Championship on Friday 14th of July 2023 at Al Hussein Technical University. The championship included 256 teams and over 550 participants from various universities, schools, and institutions dedicated to robotics. The National Sumo Robots Championship is considered one of the most important sumo robotics competitions in the Middle East. Mohammed, a graduate of Energy Engineering from Zarqa University, took part in this competition as a team supervisor and assistant for four other teams. These teams achieved commendable positions, including the sixteenth place out of 256 teams. It is …

EDU-SYRIA Student Reached the Quarterfinals in the Second National Sumo Robots Championship

September 25, 2023

“It was a distinctive and wonderful experience, during which we learned a lot and got to know new people from various fields” began Mazen Al Natour, EDU-SYRIA student, as he talked about his experience in the Second National Sumo Robots Championship held on Friday 14th of July 2023 at Al Hussein Technical University. The National Sumo Robots Championship is one of the most important robotics competitions in the Middle East. Through the team he participated with, Mazen managed to reach the quarterfinals in a competition that included around 256 teams and over 550 competitors from various universities and institutions. His …

Industrial Fashion Design Training Course Scholarship – Open

June 24, 2023

EDU-SYRIA, funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University and implemented by local and international institutions, announces the call for applications to apply for Industrial Fashion Design Training Course Scholarship for 6 months at Luminus Technical University College for Syrian refugees who are holders of the Asylum Seeker Certificate from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and underprivileged Jordanian who are beneficiaries from one of the following aid organization: National Aid Fund, Tkiyet Um Ali, Al-Aman Fund, and Al-Zakat Fund. 1. Main Requirements: Jordanians: Syrians: …

EDU-SYRIA Trip to Jerash & Ajloun

May 19, 2023

EDU-SYRIA organized a trip to Jerash and Ajloun on Friday 19th of May 2023 for one hundred Syrian refugee beneficiaries who are expected to graduate at Zarqa University to engage them with the Jordanian heritage. The students headed to Jerash where they visited the Ancient Roman City and were guided by local certified tourist guides who gave information about the history, purpose, and architecture of the city, where they had an exciting tour of the old city and enjoyed the magnificent historical sights. Afterward, the students visited Al Ma’wa for Nature and Wildlife Reserve in Ajloun, a space of 110 hectares that …

EDU-SYRIA Eid Al-Fiter Wishes

April 20, 2023

EDU-SYRIA wishes you Eid Mubarak to you and your family. May the God Almighty open the doors of happiness for you and fulfil all your dreams.