Showing 1-10 of 401 results

EDU-SYRIA: Bottleneck Alleviation Programme-BAP

November 16, 2020

EDU-SYRIA Programme is a series of EU-funded projects via the EU Regional Trust Fund (EUTF) in response to the Syrian crisis, directed and managed by the German Jordanian University in Jordan. The programme provides higher education and training scholarships to Syrian refugees and underprivileged Jordanian youth to improve their livelihood by being self-sufficient. The current EDUSYRIA phase, 15 million Euros, has been awarding 2,245 scholarships through eight Actions/Components that are implemented by a consortium of 9 national and international, academic and NGO partners. Among the consortium partners is NUFFIC, an international Dutch organization for the internationalization in education. NUFFICs’ global …

New Collaboration Pathway | EDU-SYRIA & DAFI Scholarship Programs

January 13, 2024

The German Jordanian University (GJU) and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Monday 09th of October 2023, with the presence of representatives from the European Union Delegation to Jordan, Ms. Mary Horvers and Ms. Wieke Waterschoot, marking the onset of a unique partnership to foster their scholarship programs, EDU-SYRIA and DAFI. This collaboration aims to fortify access of refugees to higher education through mutual aid and shared resources, intending to create significant developments in key areas. The partnership revolves around four primary goals; enhance access to higher education and skills development as a long-term …