Showing 261-270 of 401 results

EDU-SYRIA Inspiring Story: Amer Hijazi

November 29, 2020

Amer was studying for his computer technologies diploma back in Syria when his passion for technology had led him to open a Computer maintenance and supplies store. yet soon after he graduated he was eager to continue learning and study graphics design, and therefore he traveled to Jordan to study. Unfourtently when he was just about to graduate; the war erupted in Syria and he stayed in Jordan, not as a student anymore but as a refugee. To provide for himself, Amer worked as a designer in a kitchens designing company. In 2016, he applied for the EDU-SYRIA scholarship where …

Virtual Campus Tour #EU4YOUth Going Further Together!

November 25, 2020

The EU Delegation to Jordan and the EU Neighbours South project are organising a Virtual Campus Tour in Jordan on Sunday, 29 November 2020, from 9 am to 1 pm.  The event is held under the #EU4YOUth regional communication campaign framework running in seven countries of the Southern Neighborhood region. The digital event aims to increase awareness and understanding of the EU-funded cooperation projects empowering youth in different fields. As the EU invests massively to empower Jordanian youth, the event will cover three main thematic topics through panel discussions: Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Green Deal Education and Scholarship Mobility Each panel …

EDU-SYRIA: Bottleneck Alleviation Programme-BAP

November 16, 2020

EDU-SYRIA Programme is a series of EU-funded projects via the EU Regional Trust Fund (EUTF) in response to the Syrian crisis, directed and managed by the German Jordanian University in Jordan. The programme provides higher education and training scholarships to Syrian refugees and underprivileged Jordanian youth to improve their livelihood by being self-sufficient. The current EDUSYRIA phase, 15 million Euros, has been awarding 2,245 scholarships through eight Actions/Components that are implemented by a consortium of 9 national and international, academic and NGO partners. Among the consortium partners is NUFFIC, an international Dutch organization for the internationalization in education. NUFFICs’ global …

Protracted Displacement Conference 3rd Day

November 3, 2020

The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University (GJU), co-sponsored and co-organized the third day of the virtual conference “Protracted Displacement: Hopes, Perspectives and Solutions?”, that took place On the 3rd of November 2020. The conference discussed a variety of subtopics with the participation of many Authors and Co-Authors from worldwide universities and institutions, where it had the Refugee’s current situation and circumstances as the highlight of the conference. It discussed how Syrian Refugees are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic resulting in …

EDU-SYRIA III Project Awards 651 New Scholarships

October 23, 2020

The EDU-SYRIA III program, funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University, awarded 651 fully-funded scholarships for underprivileged Jordanian and Syrian refugee youths for the upcoming academic year 2020/2021. The new set os scholarships include 217 scholarships for Vocational training diploma and bridging for BA at Luminus technical University College for Syrian refugees and underprivileged Jordanians, 282 Bachelor’s Degree scholarships at Zarqa University for Syrian refugees, 113 master’s degree scholarships for Syrian refugees and underprivileged Jordanians, in addition to 39 scholarships for the Queen Rania …

EDU-SYRIA III Vocational Educational Scholarship Program’s Results

October 22, 2020

On Thursday , 22nd of October EDU-SYRIA Scholarship programme have held the Selection Process of the EDU-SYRIA III Vocational Education Scholarship Program at Luminus Technichal University College. A total of 502 applications were submitted to EDU-SYRIA III Vocational Education Scholarship Program (HND5) for the academic year of 2020/2021. A net of 217 Syrian applicants were accepted with 193 from outside refugee camps and 24 applicants from refugee camps. Another 16 Jordanian applicants, identified as underprivileged, were accepted into the same scholarship program. In addition to being (i) Syrian refugee, (ii) has a Jordanian magnetic security card, (iii) resident of Jordan, (vi) has …

EDU-SYRIA III Bachelor Scholarship Program’s Results

October 6, 2020

A total of 982 applications were submitted to EDU-SYRIA III Bachelor Scholarship Program for the academic year of 2020/2021. A net of 282 applicants were accepted with 194 from the urban setting (outside refugee camps) and 88 applicants from refugee camps. In addition of being (i) Syrian refugee, (ii) has a Jordanian magnetic security card, (iii) resident of Jordan, (vi) has a registration document for refugees issued by the UNHCR, and (v) younger than 28 years, the following criteria were used.  Accepting Criteria for Granting EDU-SYRIA III Scholarship in Urban Setting (Outside Refugee Camp): No. College Tawjihi GPA Criterion 1. College of Pharmacy Greater …

Nuffics’ EDU-SYRIA Newsletter

September 10, 2020

Nuffic, the Dutch organization for Internationalization in education, as part of the EDU-SYRIA III consortium, will be responsible for managing the call for proposals for local organizations to submit projects that will support the Jordanian and Syrian youth education by developing their skills and strengthen their competencies. This Nuffic EDU-SYRIA newsletter will present the program progress quarterly.

Very Important

August 22, 2020

Dear students and new applicants, Please be aware that the EDU-Syria scholarship is not responsible for any advertisements or links on multi-media that are not published throughout the scholarship website or the multi-media platforms. You can access the official sites through the project’s home page as shown in the picture below. We kindly ask you not to participate with these questionnaires and links and not to share your personal information with them. Note that the EDU-Syria scholarship will open new scholarships after about a week. Please share this post with your friends so that the information reaches all of our …

GJU Signs an Agreement with Zarqa University for EDU-SYRIA III

July 26, 2020

On Sunday, July 26, 2020, The President of the German Jordanian University (as consortium leader), Prof. Manar Fayyad, and the Chairman of Zarqa Corporation for Education and Investment Mr. Mahmoud  Abu Shaera signed the agreement of EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN scholarship programme, funded by the European Union through the regional trust fund in response to the Syrian crisis: the EU ‘Madad’ Fund to support 470 Syrian refugees. This agreement will provide young Syrian refugees with the opportunity to pursue their Bachelor’s degree in a variety of the programmes. During the signing ceremony, Fayyad praised the distinguished partnership between the two parties and the …