
EDU-SYRIA interviews the applicants for the new Scholarship

October 7, 2021

On Thursday, 7th October 2021, EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN scholarship programme interviewed the applicants for the new scholarships; Bachelor’s degree at Zarqa University and Vocational Training degree at the Luminus Technical University College. The programme has received in total 566 applications, of them; 488 applications for the Bachelor’s scholarships where only 155 applications meet the scholarship requirement, and therefore 36 applicants have been invited for the interviews. For the Vocational Training scholarships the program received 78 applications; 34 of them meet the conditions. It is worth mentioning that the program announced the start of the registration for the scholarships for Syrian …

EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN awards new Teacher Education Professional Diploma scholarships

October 3, 2021

Amman – The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program -funded by EU through the regional trust fund in response to the Syrian crisis: the EU ‘Madad’ Fund and managed by the German Jordanian University welcomed on Sunday, October the 3rd, a new batch of Student Teachers benefiting from scholarships for the “Teacher Education Professional Diploma” at the Queen Rania Teacher Academy for the academic year 2021/2022. The Student Teachers are 70 Jordanian beneficiaries from organizations who support Vulnerable Jordanian Youth: National Aid Fund, Al-Zakat Fund, Al-Aman Fund, and Tkiyet Um Ali, covering the subjects of Arabic, English, science, mathematics, and Early Grades. The induction day at …

Entrepreneurship Programme info-session

September 20, 2021

The EDU-PRENEUR programme (part of EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN programme) implemented by ShamalStart have organized two information session on the Entreprunership Scholarship Programme for National Aid Fund beneficiaries (NAF) in Irbid and Ramth to introduce them to the opportunity of applying to the business acceleration program at Luminus ShamalStart. The session took place at Luminus ShamalStart, where the first session was for the students of Yarmouk University- Irbid on the 19th of September. and the second session was for the National Aid Fund beneficiaries Ramtha on the 20th of September. The EDU-PRENEUR program aims to support 40 teams of 3 to …

Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program

September 15, 2021

The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program, funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University, announces that the door is now open for youth from underprivileged Jordanian and Syrian refugees to apply for Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Programme” (ETSP) in Partnership with Luminus ShamalStart. The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Programme” program in Partnership with Luminus ShamalStart aims to provide proper entrepreneurial training and office space for 40 groups formed of Jordanian and Syrian youths to transform their progressive ideas into actual projects that can best serve their local communities. The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship …

Call for Proposals – Bottleneck Alleviation Programme

September 15, 2021

The call is closed now Context As a result of the prolonged Syrian war, more than half a million people fled to Jordan, with an estimated 67 percent residing outside refugee camps. According to UNHCR, a total of 669,497 Syrian refugees are currently (July 2021) registered in Jordan, with the highest percentage of people – around 29 percent – living in the capital Amman. These registered numbers are far below the Jordanian 2015 Census estimate of a total of 1.27 million Syrian refugees. The Government of Jordan, in partnership with the international community, is committed to improving the living conditions, …

EFE courses for EDU-SYRIA Students

September 2, 2021

The EDU-SYRIA programme started a new cooperation with The Education For Employment (EFE) organization to provide short training online courses for the program studenst and graduates from Zarqa University. On Thursday, 2nd September 2021, A committee composed of the Dean of Student Affairs at Zarqa University, and the EDU-SYRIA officer at Zarqa University, along with the EFE team interviewed around 500 EDU-SYRIA students and graduates who applied for these online courses, at Zarqa University. the students were divided into separate groups to follow the safety regulation, and those who could not come to the university they were interviewed over a telephone …

Academic Meeting Via ZOOM

August 11, 2021

On Wednesday, 11 August 2021 EDU-SYRIA Scholarship Program held an academic meeting with the scholarship students at Zarqa University through the ZOOM virtual communication platform. The meeting was divided into two separate sessions headed by the Scholarship coordinator Dr. Ala’ Khalifeh, and the scholarship officer at Zarqa University, Mr. Ibrahim Al Hariri. The two sessions were attended by more than 100 students. Dr. Khalifeh started the meeting by welcoming the students and introduced them to the Academic Committee. Then he drew attention to the necessity of adhering to the program’s instructions, which guarantee a successful study for students within the …

HRH Prince El Hassan bin Talal patronize the Closing Ceremony of EDU-SYRIA I Project

July 6, 2021

Amman, July 6, 2021 – On behalf of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Her Royal Highness Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan patronized the Closing Ceremony of the first project of the EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN Scholarship programme, which the European Union funds through the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) and the European Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (Madad Fund), and managed by the German Jordanian University In her keynote speech, Her Highness noted during the virtual ceremony, which was organized by the German Jordanian University, the importance of this programme and highlighted the significant achievements …

EDU-SYRIA meet partner Aid Funds

June 24, 2021

On 24 June 2021, EDU-SYRIA Scholarship program team met with the national aid funds representatives (Al-Aman Fund, Al-Zakat Fund, Tikyet Um Ali, and National Aid Fund) at Luminus Shamal Start to introduce them to the collaboration between EDU-SYRIA and ShamalStart in the Entreprunership Scholarship Programme. The team presented a brief about EDU-SYRIA history, projects, achievements, and challenges. One of the most difficult challenges is reaching the target audience; the Jordanian youth beneficiaries of the national aid fund. ShamalStart also presented their work plan for the EDU-SYRIA Entreprunership scholarship programme, the means of collaboration with the Aid Funds, as they will …

“Bottleneck Alleviation Programme” Approve 5 Projects

June 21, 2021

Bottleneck Alleviation Programme  (BAP) managed by Nuffic is one of eight Actions of EDU-SYRIA III. The main objective of BAP is to alleviate three critical transition points (i) transition from  high school to higher education degree programmes, (ii) successfully completing and graduating from higher education degree programmes, and finally (iii) transition from higher education to the labour market. Nuffic has selected 5 projects for the BAP programme to be implemented, which will help improve livelihood opportunities through access to higher education and the labor market in Jordan. June 21st, Nuffic met with the 5 new partners in an Induction Workshop. …